
Main Books system

The main books system enables adherance to and enforcement of current financial laws and provisions, while at the same time adapting its bookkeeping to the individual characteristics of the user institute. It can be used alone or supplemented with the accounts receivable or accounts payable records.



The main books system supports dual-entry bookkeeping, journal-type bookkeeping, and direct cash-register certification. It records and documents bills for cash payments and deadline payments. As a bill of purchase it is able to handle hand-written bills as well as bills issued by the outgoing bills module. It also handles itemized financial processes relating to charge accounts.

The system is capable of automatically issuing bills printed by the outgoing bills module, and semiautomatically issuing hand-written bills. In both cases the option remains for the bills to be issued entirely by hand, on the level of main books certification. The main books certifications and recorded bills are freely accessible and, depending on level of authorization, can be corrected or voided.

System options include automatic handling of advance bills, both for deliverer and for buyer. The automatic billing option also applies to advance billes. It also supports the advance and the final payment being linkedmade to two different clients.

In addition to the billing system, the system supports two-level independent post-calculation, allowing booking by place of expenditure or by project. System-supported customized lists handle the post-calculation codes freely, making it simple to prepare displays narrowed to specific units.

The system can be linked to the Front Office system, in which case Front Office outgoing bills are automatically recorded and billed by the accounts receivable system. Financial operations going to the financial department automatically appear on the reception bills as well.

The system can optionally be linked to material asset records, automatically calculating periodic amortization based on the given data for the assets and the financial policy defined.


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